Nonprofit leadership coaching

Coaching for nonprofits

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 “The coaches at Coach Initiative are highly skilled in creating the trust to enable authentic and honest reflection on my experiences as a leader, as an executive and as a human. Through deep listening, mirroring and questions, each session brings forth new ways of sense-making of my leadership experiences, both the successes and the challenges. By being able to notice more, and ask the right questions, it creates the muscles for self-improvement and growth that know no bounds. Thank you Coach Initiative!”


Lena Slachmuijlder, Sr VP of Programs | Search for Common Ground

nonprofit leadership coaching

supporting you as you change the world

We know that leading and serving a nonprofit organization requires wearing a lot of hats and juggling a lot of tasks. Here at The Coach Initiative, we know that the work you are doing is not only meaningful, but essential. Our mission is to support you, and other nonprofit initiatives worldwide, to have an even greater positive impact on the individuals and communities that you serve. If you’ve been looking for a way to develop your leadership skills and your organization, then our coaching community is ready to help.

Organizations we’ve worked with 

Our Process 

nonprofit leadership coaching

apply for

nonprofit leadership coaching

participate in a
phone interview to
assess your needs

nonprofit leadership coaching

Meet with
your assigned coach

The experience was amazing. My coach offered an objective sounding board not connected to my day-to-day work and helped me realize what I needed to be a more effective leader for Public Allies. Before we began, I thought that I just needed to motivate myself to focus more on fundraising. Through our conversations and the DISC assessment, I learned to appreciate my staff more, predict what information my board needs, and [understand] how to support my own wellness as a leader. Public Allies DC and I are making significant progress with fundraising, and the lessons learned go well beyond my original goals.
— Nakeisha Jones, Executive Director | Public Allies, Washington DC
nonprofit leadership coaching

Organizations that work with us typically experience…

  • Greater clarity on mission, vision, and goals

  • Focused strategic plans to grow the organization

  • Improved efficiency in taking next steps and completing projects

  • Enriched team dynamics and relationships

  • Deeper personal and leadership development

Ready to step into coaching?

If you’re ready to move your personal leadership and your organization forward, our coaching community is ready to support you. Simply complete our coaching application and we’ll be in touch to schedule your interview to assess your needs.

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